Best SIP Funds Online
HOW HAS Tata Ethical Fund PERFORMED?
With a 10-year return of 7.62%, the fund has underperformed the category average (8.63%), while faring marginally better than the benchmark (7.11%).

With a 10-year return of 7.62%, the fund has underperformed the category average (8.63%), while faring marginally better than the benchmark (7.11%).

Category: Equity
Type: Multi Cap
Benchmark: Nifty-500 Shariah
Pradeep Gokhale
Tenure: 5 years and 10 months
Education: (H), CA and CFA

Type: Multi Cap
Benchmark: Nifty-500 Shariah
Pradeep Gokhale
Tenure: 5 years and 10 months
Education: (H), CA and CFA

Being a Shariah-law compliant fund, this scheme stays away from the banking and finance sector and avoids some of the 'sin' sectors like alcohol, armaments, and even hospitality, among others. It doesn't have any market-cap bias, but currently its tilted towards large-caps.
It has raised exposure to the midcap segment in recent months, resulting in lower portfolio market cap relative to peers. The fund prefers companies with high capital efficiency, low leverage and high cash generation ability.
The portfolio is reasonably diversified, with the fund manager taking aggressive positions in the top picks. The fund's performance has been inconsistent over the years. This fund is purely for investors looking for the 'ethical' investing approach and not keen on investing in funds skewed towards banking and finance firms.
SIPs are when Stock Market is high volatile. Invest in Best Mutual Fund SIPs and get good returns over a period of time. Know Top SIP Funds to Invest Save Tax Get Rich
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